Life is always full of surprises. Just when you think things are coming together you are presented with a test. A test to see if you have learned what you needed to learn.

We all know the story of David. He was a young shepherd boy and musician. He had a huge purpose in life and many would look over him because of his position. I am not going to go into all the details and get technical with the story. We all know that in society if you don’t fit the image, you aren’t looked at. Everyone thinks that the bigger, taller, person will overcome. That person is seen with respect while anyone else is overlooked. Like the story of David we are all presented with a Goliath. It can be figuratively or literally. David was seen as a small shepherd boy who did not stand a chance against Goliath. However, people didn’t realize or didn’t want to give him credit for surviving the lions and paws of bears. Everything he learned in life he took to the battlefield. He used everything he learned and was able to defeat Goliath.

I have witnessed many fighters that have used that same concept in the cage. William “Nightmare” Knight faced Walter Howard on November 10, 2018 at Premier FC 27. I asked Knight what was his impression of your Howard?Weighins_6.jpg

Knight responded, “Well my impression was that he was going to out strike me and engage a lot. I really thought he was going to keep me at bay with his range and kickboxing but that wasn’t the case.”

Many feelings arise when the cage door closes. Once it closes you may or may not proceed with the game plan to and your coaches prepared. I asked Knight, “How do you feel when you are going to fight?”

Knight said, “When I fight I use my past to enhance my emotions. I close my eyes and seize control of every emotion I have built up over the years and channel it to better my abilities in the cage. I’m always thinking about how I’m going to beat my last fight and just tell myself it’s just another day, the only difference is I don’t have to see this guy tomorrow, so go all out and remember once it’s over shake his hand.”

I always wonder what is going through a fighters mind when they are there and the they are told to fight. I asked Knight, “What is going through your mind when you are in the cage?”

Knight replies, “The only thing going through my mind is the sound of Ed’s voice. Just as the fight starts I lock on his voice only and space out, go into auto pilot. other than, that I’m just thinking to myself, ‘I hope this can go the distance or we have some fun’. I’ve been training hard for this very moment.”

After facing a tough opponent I had to ask Knight, “How did you feel getting the win?”

He told me, “When I won I felt like I could have done more. I feel like I’m robbing myself, because I know I can strike a lot of guys in the 205 and 225 division. I trained Muay Thai for 3 solid years, knowing my wrestling would never be a problem. I can go years without doing anything then step on the mat and wrestle my ass off. That’s just the animal in me.”

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Knight can be seen as David or Goliath. Everyday when he looks in the mirror he sees his biggest opponent, his Goliath, the person he needs to defeat. It’s not just the person in the cage but the Goliath within him. Knight is David, Goliath, and your biggest nightmare all in one. Who will you be facing when you are in the cage with him?

(Photos by Igdalia Photography)

(Promotion: Premier FC)