Currently the gyms are closed. Now what will we do? How will we get the mental, emotional, and physical health we need addressed without medicine?

The majority of the people that are enrolled in gyms are ones that pay for the membership and never go. As a result, the ones that are truly suffering during this pandemic are the ones that are actually paying and attend the gym.

Things need to change in a responsible manner.

What people don’t seem to understand is that gyms have a purpose. While many that attend the gym want to just sit and socialize with others, there are missing the bigger picture. Due to, the purpose of the gym is to workout and have our bodies healthy. In turn, the body will naturally produce the antibodies we need to stay healthy. 

For that reason if you want go to the gym to sit and stare at people you will not get the results you need. As a consequence, you as well as others, will suffer during the pandemic. Furthermore, it is important that people learn that the gym is an essential part of life.

Above all, we need to start working together so we can make a change.

Finally, check out your local gyms online and see what they are providing during the “Stay at home” orders. Reach out and let it be known that we need the gym for our mental, physical, and emotional health. It’s a bonus to look good but the main thing is to be healthy and beat this COVID19.