• Do You Have Heart

    Have you ever had a dream? Have ever wanted to do something so bad that you had to do it? Have you ever had the pressure of walking in someone […]

  • What Motivates You?

    To take a fight is not as simple as saying yes. What motivates you to train? What motivates you to get in a ring or cage? What is your true […]

  • I’ve Got My Eyes On You

    People always say not to take your eyes off your opponent. To always be aware. At Lion Fight 46 that happened. It was the most intense stare downs I have […]

  • The Safety Of The Fighter

    I love what I do. I love taking pictures. I love freezing time for people. One thing that I personally don’t like, you can agree to disagree, is to take […]

  • Are You Ready?

    Once a fighter makes the decision to fight they start to do research. Just like a person researches information on their car, the same is done with finding the right […]