What do you stand for? What do you have faith in? Who to do you put your trust in? It takes more than a desire to fight and win in a cage. It takes more than anyone can understand. It takes faith. Faith is having a complete trust in someone or something, God or gods. “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” Hebrews‬ ‭11:1‬ ‭ESV‬‬

One of the things I respect about fighters is their stand for what they believe in; their faith and trust. They don’t deny they are fighters and they don’t deny who they believe in. The moment you start changing to fit into society you lose the true focus on what you believe in. When you do that, you aren’t putting your faith in practice. This causes the outcome to be jeopardized.

When the cage door closes the fighter is putting their faith in practice. The fighter knows that they need to do their part and they need to have faith. Everything that happens, happens because of a higher purpose. The fighter knows that if a fight gets canceled it’s because they are being protected or their opponent from something.

Together, united, supporting each other they stand. I have witnessed how calm a fighter is when things happen. Their mind, body, and soul are one and are at peace. Everything is aligned to the way it should be. It is hard to understand if you aren’t at the level of awareness. Once you reach it, everything becomes clear. All of your training, all of your interactions is responding to the here and now. The place you need to be. The place you have been preparing to be.

Surround yourself with people who understand and support you. Once you reach that and you have faith, not even a cage can keep you from what is yours. Everything will fall into place.

I have been to shows where a fighter has politely asked to weigh in so he would be able to pray. I have also witnessed a fighter fasting while in a fight camp honoring and respecting the One. I have seen how calm and graceful and respectful he can be. Always in the present. God provides angels to be with him and protect him. I have never seen him alone and I have never seen him upset. He is always surrounded with a family. When you have that grace people will come from everywhere to support you.