We all have a story. We all come from a place in our lives that motivates us to do better. What motivates you? What inspires you? I asked another fighter Jose “El Salvaje” Lugo what inspires him. I believe that getting to know the fighters is very important. Why did Jose Lugo decide to train MMA?  “I fell in love with all the different types of Martial Arts involved in the sport, and constantly learning it never gets repetitive. Everyday I learn sometime new and thats the reason I fell in love with the sport.”

There are so many peole in our lives that inspire us. People that enter our lives for a season or a lifetime in our life. These people are what inspires us. Who inspired you? “My Family of course. Without Vivian and my three kids I wouldn’t be able to do what I do. They motivate me to do better, they motivate me to give them a better future I’ll fight till my last breathe to make sure I give them the world.  And my childhood dream of fighting professionally, I want to make it to the big league. Its always been my dream to make it to the top and and I believe I will. I have all the support and love a man can ask for. I’m truly Blessed!

We all have goals and sometimes our goals change. What are your goals? “My Goals in this sport is to make it as far as my body can take me and one day become 125lb world champion. I want to hopefully make enough money one day so I can open my own gym and teach.  That’s my dream, I want to teach the youth and help them make their dreams come true. And of course to show my kids no matter what you go trough in life,  you can always make your dreams come true. Just never give up and always strive for the top.”

They call you El Salvaje, why is that, where did it come from” “Kris Moutinho asked Jorge Rivera, “how do you say Savage in spanish?” and Jorge replied, “El Salvaje.” and it just stuck after that day,  because of the way I trained and my strength.”

This is “El Salvage” the man, the father, the son, the friend, the fighter that will continue show everyone who he is. He has three children and a wonderful woman that look up to him.

(Photo Credit: Igdalia LLC)